MA: Motorcycling events and license sales suspended
From MA: With the rapidly changing environment and increasing Government restrictions around COVID-19, it is with regret the Motorcycling Australia federation confirm that as of April 1 no further events will take place and license sales are suspended until further notice.

As of April 1 no further events will take place and license sales are suspended until further notice.
Once MA better understand the period of inactivity, they will be discussing extensions of licenses already issued and advise you. All state controlling bodies and MA are putting in plans around office activities and services available during this period of inactivity and we will provide competitors, sponsors, promotors and fans with frequent updates.
The ongoing COVID-19 is having a devastating effect on our sport, jobs, and the economy across the World, none of us are immune and the challenges we will face over the rest of 2020 will be huge, but we hope not insurmountable.
This situation is unprecedented, with change not only to the sport but to our everyday lives. MA encourage you to keep up to date with developments in the sport, and Government advice to ensure the safety of you and your families.
MA will continue to work during this downtime to ensure that motorcycle activities can recommence as soon as humanly possible and can begin to rebuild the sport. There will be many sacrifices we will all have to make, and this is a time when the sport and motorcycle community needs to come together and work to come out the other side stronger.