All motorcycle competition in Australia is conducted according to the General Competition Rules (GCRs), which are contained in the Manual of Motorcycle Sport. The Manual of Motorcycle Sport is an annual publication which contains both the GCRs as well as other relevant information on motorcycle sport.

The GCRs contain the rules and guidelines for participating in and conducting Motorcycle Sport, and are designed to ensure fair and safe competition for all involved.

“The GCRs contain the rules and guidelines for participating in and conducting Motorcycle Sport, and are designed to ensure fair and safe competition for all involved.”

The GCRs contain the rules and guidelines for participating in and conducting Motorcycle Sport, and are designed to ensure fair and safe competition for all involved. Rule change request forms can be found here. Final date for submissions to be discussed by commissions for the 2023 MoMS is 4th March 2022.

To Note: Rules can be added, changed or deleted from one year to the next, before they appear in the next edition of the Manual of Motorcycle Sport, so please ensure you use this section of the website to stay up-to-date with the latest rules.

To get your copy of the 2022 Manual of Motorcycle Sport:

  • For more information, links, chapter-only version and details CLICK HERE
  • Direct link to the online version CLICK HERE
  • To order a hard copy CLICK HERE


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