Discover the smart and connected Heated glove for riding comfort with no limits. IXON embeds clim8 technology to offer you the only smart and connected heated glove that knows when and how to keep your hands warm. Cassons also have accessories available for the IT-Yate Gloves! 

IXON embeds clim8 technology to offer you the only smart and connected heated glove that knows WHEN and HOW to keep your hands warm.

IXON embeds clim8 technology to offer you the only smart and connected heated glove that knows when and how to keep your hands warm.

Equipped with an intelligent sensor, the heating system keeps your hands at a constant temperature whatever the outside conditions. They include high-quality materials, excellent natural insulation and a rainproof cuff, along with a whole host of other features, a must for winter!

Key Features

  • Intelligent temperature regulation
  • Automatic on and off sensor
  • Perfect heating on the most exposed zones
  • Customize your settings with the clim8® app
  • AU Power adaptor
  • Available sizes S – 3XL
  • $399.95 RRP

A range of battery accessories is also available from Cassons to maximise your use of the all new IXON IT-YATE EVO Heated Gloves. These great utilities will keep your gloves charged & going for longer so you can stay warm on the longer rides!

  • IT-BATTERIES – RRP $99.95
  • IT-BATTERIES 3000 MA – RRP $129.98

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