
Search Results for: bear tracks

Bear Tracks: USA’s Scenic Byways

By  •  August 29, 2023

I headed out to check out the famous National Parks in the USA. For motorcyclists, the ideal way to enjoy these parks as well as a lot of other wonderful …
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Bear Tracks: Siding Spring Observatory, NSW

By  •  July 27, 2023

Want a new riding location? 27km from Coonabarabran lies Siding Spring Observatory, on the edge of Warrumbungle National Park. It’s Australia’s premier optical/infrared astronomical observatory and is operated by the …
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Bear Tracks: Barrington Tops National Park, NSW

By  •  June 26, 2023

The Gondwana rainforests in Australia include the most extensive areas of subtropical rainforest in the world and Barrington Tops National Park is a major part of the World Heritage Area …
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Bear Tracks: Sicily Edelweiss Bike Tour

By  •  May 25, 2023

One of the things I like about organised motorcycle tours is that they can take you to places you would not otherwise even consider. I mean, seriously, Sicily? What’s there, …
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Bear Tracks: IMTBIKE Morocco Tour

By  •  April 30, 2023

Often, we choose adventure destinations because they’re hard. Hard to get to, hard to get around, even hard to get a cold beer. I’ve just come back from a trip …
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Bear Tracks: Top Mountain Crosspoint Motorcycle Museum

By  •  March 22, 2023

The Top Mountain Crosspoint Motorcycle Museum is an eye-opener! Not only is the ride there on some of the best roads in the world, the range of motorcycles that most …
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Bear Tracks: Chasing Elvis Across The US!

By  •  February 17, 2023

I’m not a music critic or a musician so you’re looking at the wrong person if you want to find out just why the King was the King, with not …
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Bear Tracks: Riding Holiday In Czechia

By  •  January 15, 2023

Czech it out! Here is a country with links to motorcycling and great roads. I had to jump at the chance to head over there an check out the motorcycle …
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Bear Tracks: Traveling Portugal On A Bike

By  •  December 14, 2022

Portugal – a great slice of the Iberian Peninsula, it’s a bit of a rare destination, but it shouldn’t be. It’s a seriously beautiful country with plenty to see, even …
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Bear Tracks: The Historic Town Of Carcoar, NSW

By  •  November 25, 2022

The village of Carcoar is an enjoyable breath of yesteryear. It lies just off the Mid Western Highway between Blayney and Cowra, but that’s the thing: it’s off the highway, …
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