The Heaven VMX hosted 2021 Australian National Classic and Post Classic Motocross Championships, set for July has been postponed due to concerns around COVID-19. The Championships, are a celebration of old school motocross all Australian racers can share and enjoy.

Due to the unfortunate timing of COVID-19 restrictions. The Classic and Post Classic Motocross Championships have been postponed.

With Saturday’s NSW State Government COVID-19 restrictions announcement, the Heaven VMX have made the tough decision to postpone the event.

“Our club members believe whole heartedly in mates racing mates from other States concept and are seriously looking forward to sharing some Heaven Hospitality with our interstate VMX family members when we host these great events,” said Heaven VMX President Kenneth Swan.

The two dates scheduled had classic racers and fans excited for jam packed days of racing.

“While pre-entries are strong for the intended dates in July, the recent and current concerns raise by the Covid-19 outbreaks around NSW have raised a huge cloud of uncertainty over the next few weeks and these prestigious events.

“We feel the correct decision for the club to make is to ‘Postpone’ the event to dates later this year in 2021. Many are very excited for the event and really looking forward to it. Believe us, we are just as disappointed as anyone.”

New dates for the championship will be announced soon, so stand by as it’s not all bad news.

New dates for the Classic and Post Classic Motocross Championships will be announced shortly. All current entries will carry forward to the new dates. If once the new dates are announced, if any entrant is unable to attend, a full refund will be provided, just contact Heaven VMX through their website.

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