Royal Enfield has announced that it will be extending the warranty period by three months on any motorcycle with a warranty period that expires between March and May 2020, as a measure to ensure that customer support and experiences are not negatively impacted by the current lockdown.

Any motorcycle with a warranty period that expires between March and May 2020 will receive an extra three months.

Any motorcycle with a warranty period that expires between March and May 2020 will receive an extra three months.

Royal Enfield will continue to monitor the official government and public health directives about the closure of all non-essential retailers, and should there be an announcement of further extensions to this period, then appropriate amendments to the current warranty extension will be made accordingly. Further details will be released once normal business has resumed.

Vimal Sumbly, Head of APAC Business markets shared “We are all aware of the pandemic situation sweeping the world and many countries have imposed self restrictions. Royal Enfield is closely monitoring the situation and we will be taking appropriate actions keeping in mind the best interests of our customers and channel partners in these times of uncertainty.”

"Our main focus is to our customers, as we extend the warranty period for warranties expiring in May 2020..."

“Our main focus is to our customers, as we extend the warranty period for warranties expiring in May 2020…”

“Our main focus is to our customers, as we extend the warranty period for warranties expiring in May 2020. Once normalcy is restored in Australia and New Zealand, we shall suitably communicate as to how the warranty obligations will be taken care of.”



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