Since reopening after the short COVID shutdown last year, you may have noticed that a lot of SMSP Ride Days are full to the brim. Whilst this is an extremely healthy sign for the motorcycling industry, it can lead to a lot of frustration for those wanting to book who leave it a little late.

The Ride Days are a great way to test your skills and the speed of your bike, but you have to get in quick!

If you’re wanting to ride a particular day, please plan a little further ahead to ensure you get your spot. There are a few sessions upcoming soon, so grab your leathers, prep your bike and book now!

Ride Days Dates

  • Monday 29th March – WAITING LIST
  • Monday 5th April (Easter Monday) – AVAILABLE
  • Sunday 25th April (Anzac Day) – AVAILABLE
  • Monday 26th April – AVAILABLE

With the ongoing evolution of the Ride Days booking system, riders will notice that the group they have requested on their booking is not necessarily the group you are allocated to when you register at the track. The reason for this is that the Ride Days team now have several years of data on a majority percentage of riders who attend SMSP Ride Days. This allows them to group riders together more effectively and average out the size of the groups, which is not only safer for each participant, but makes the whole day a lot more enjoyable.

The team that host Ride Days have a new system that ensures you are placed in the correct skill group, for your safety and others.

As the day progresses, you may find yourself being asked to move up or down a group. Once again, this is to ensure that the Ride Days team group together the riders of similar speeds and skills. This data is then uploaded to our system and then have more information when grouping the next Ride Day you attend.

If you have any questions in regards to the grouping of riders, please contact the office either by phone  0490 281 840 or by email You can also chat to the staff on the day.

Select the date that works for you above and book now to ensure that you get a chance to ride this great track.

The team now have a fleet of the current model BMW S 1000 RR’s for hire at all SMSP Ride Days. All you need is a full unrestricted license and to agree to the terms and conditions of hiring, then you can enjoy one of the most incredible production bikes on the planet.


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