A simple tyre puncture needn't be the end of your ride, just store a Cargol Grypp Puncture kit under your seat and you'll be good to go in minutes...
One of the most irritating occurrences you’ll face on a motorcycle, particularly if you have luck like I do, is to pick something up in your tyre and end up with a flat.
After stopping at a light on the way to work and then taking off I knew something was wrong – I wasn’t going nearly fast enough for the rear to be drifting – and pulling over and checking the rear tyre revealed a noticeable puncture.
I managed to limp to a service station and fill the tyre, to continue on to work where I had left my puncture kit!
This puncture repair kit from Gryyp is an awesome little set of tools for getting back on the road in no time and had I had it with me, I would have been sorted in just a few minutes.
The trick is the Cargol turn and go system, which allows you to easily plug most punctures – once you’ve removed any offending material – before reinflating the tyre with the easy to use compressed air cylinders.
Here’s how it works…
- Find your puncture, in a case like this it is obvious but sometimes you may need to submerge the tyre or run soapy water over the tyre to reveal the leak.
- Remove anything still in the puncture such as nails, screws and metallic road debris with the pliers provided.
- Remove the sheath from a plug and careful screw it into the puncture, at the same angle as the puncture.
- Ensure the plug is fully screwed in then snap the head off.
- You’ll end up with a nub that looks like this on the surface of your tyre. Don’t worry it will wear flat with the tyre once you start moving. (You can also draw a line across the tyre and onto the sidewall with chalk to make it easier if you’re getting a professional plug from the inside put in later.)
Put the plastic mesh around the cylinder, the sudden pressure change will freeze the cylinder and you don’t want to be frozen to it! Screw the adapter onto the tyre valve then screw the cylinder onto the adapter until the adapter breaks the cylinder seal. Hopefully you have a tyre gauge on hand!
- Ensure the tyre is totally filled, which may take more than one compressed air cylinder.
- Ensure you check your tyre pressure regularly to make sure the repair isn’t slowly leaking and remember these are a temporary fix, that will granted get you a good distance, but need to be replaced with a professional puncture repair, or in extreme cases a new tyre. We easily did another 200km on this tyre before replacing it.