
The Bear

Macna Domane Jacket | Gear Review
4 months ago

Macna Domane Jacket | Gear Review

Choosing a new jacket can be confusing, there are so many these days. So, it is important to get into your local shop and try some on. Unfortunately you can’t …
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Bear Tracks | Packing For Motorcycle Travel
4 months ago

Bear Tracks | Packing For Motorcycle Travel

During my fifty years as a motorcycle writer, I have flown to the beginning of more motorcycle trips than I can remember. Along the way, and generally after stuffing up, …
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Bear Tracks: The Ghost Town Of Yerranderie, NSW
5 months ago

Bear Tracks: The Ghost Town Of Yerranderie, NSW

Just across from Oakdale in the thick bush looking down on Lake Burragorang lies a small piece of history. It’s the ghost town Yerranderie – close but not accessible that …
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Bear Tracks: Chiltern, The Perfect Road-Trip Detour!
6 months ago

Bear Tracks: Chiltern, The Perfect Road-Trip Detour!

The combined efforts of the Victorian and NSW highways departments have produced a safe and fast connection between Australia’s two biggest cities. Although it’s an efficent way to travel, it’s …
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Bear Tracks: Getting Out Of Melbourne
9 months ago

Bear Tracks: Getting Out Of Melbourne

No, I do not subscribe to the idea that the best thing about Melbourne is the Hume Highway leading north to Sydney. In fact, the eight years I spent living …
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Check Out The 2024/2025 Edelweiss Bike Tour Catalogue!

Check Out The 2024/2025 Edelweiss Bike Tour Catalogue!

By  • 

It’s going to look as if all your Christmases have come at once, except that you will have to buy the presents. Austrian tour operator Edelweiss Bike Travel has released …
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Bear Tracks: Staying Safe Riding In The Summer Heat
10 months ago

Bear Tracks: Staying Safe Riding In The Summer Heat

Yes, summer is coming… and who would have thought that phrase would ever acquire the such a threatening tone. Australian riders have it tough when it comes to riding in …
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Bear Tracks: USA’s Scenic Byways
11 months ago

Bear Tracks: USA’s Scenic Byways

I headed out to check out the famous National Parks in the USA. For motorcyclists, the ideal way to enjoy these parks as well as a lot of other wonderful …
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Bear Tracks: Barrington Tops National Park, NSW
1 year ago

Bear Tracks: Barrington Tops National Park, NSW

The Gondwana rainforests in Australia include the most extensive areas of subtropical rainforest in the world and Barrington Tops National Park is a major part of the World Heritage Area …
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New Book: Around The World On A Small Motorcycle
1 year ago

New Book: Around The World On A Small Motorcycle

The Bear has written a book about his spectacular journey around the world! J Peter Thoeming is our resident explorer, traveling to all corners of the globe on two wheels. …
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