

How to pass the MOST exam and get your Provisional Motorcycle Licence.
1 day ago

How to pass the MOST exam and get your Provisional Motorcycle Licence.

Getting your learner rider licence is exciting, it opens up an entire new world that will most likely start a love affair with two wheels. There is a sizeable difference …
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Book Review: Complete Rider, by The Annonymous Rider
1 year ago

Book Review: Complete Rider, by The Annonymous Rider

It’s been quite a number of years since I read a rider education book. In fact, it would have to be a decade. I’ve read the Twist of the Wrist
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Education: RideADV Introduction to Adventure Riding
5 years ago

Education: RideADV Introduction to Adventure Riding

When Chris from Yamaha suggested I tag along on a RideADV Introduction to Adventure Riding course on our WR250R, it took me all of one millisecond to say yes. Run …
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