

Staring with Bryan Staring, October 2016
8 years ago

Staring with Bryan Staring, October 2016

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“That feeling”

I’ve been chasing that feeling for four years, the feeling is why we compete, why we train and dedicate our life to achieving.

I always put my …
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Staring with Bryan Staring, July 2016
8 years ago

Staring with Bryan Staring, July 2016

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Progress is the only form of happiness while you’re injured. After many doctors’ appointments, specialist meetings, X-Rays, ultrasounds and physiotherapy sessions, the only true measure of progress and mobility needs …
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Staring with Bryan Staring, May 2016
8 years ago

Staring with Bryan Staring, May 2016

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I could not be in a worse situation right now. At home in Italy with a broken leg, waiting until the swelling goes down so I can fly back to …
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Staring with Bryan Staring, April 2016
8 years ago

Staring with Bryan Staring, April 2016

By  •  Columns

First of all, hello to all the new readers. I hope this column can be a continuation of the last five years of articles I wrote with Rapid Bikes Magazine …
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